Our programs aim to deliver an enjoyable and excellent learn to play experience with quality teaching.
Club pride creates a supportive "family" atmosphere that spawns a special atmosphere lifting the players to new possible heights; this comradery will engulf the players and coaches and flow forth to the parents!!
Our club Vision... is for our players and families to have an enjoyable experience that will serve them for a lifetime. Without enjoying our training and playing atmosphere you will never reach your full potential as an athlete or develop as a great person.
Provide excellent training and development of players and coaches.
Operate a successful organization while maintaining values for our athletes.
Embrace diversity in an open training environment.
Strive for the success of all our athletes on and off the field.
Maintain a competitive level of play at practice and games.
Offer a serious yet enjoyable atmosphere for players.
Even though we strive to win and be the best we never lose sight of our values as people and showing respect and sportsmanship to our opponents, officials, our team and of course the game.
No matter how good you are you are not a true professional if you are not a good teammate. We train players to be the best individual and the best team player they can be.
Great players are great not because they always win or succeed, but because they get back up when they fail or make mistakes. That is a sign of a true champion and winner.
SCHULZ ACADEMY is specialized in developing professional soccer players by scouting and training year round young, high quality soccer talents from around the world in their first class facilities in Boca Raton FL..
Through our long history in this sport we have the knowledge and experience to place players in clubs in all different countries and leagues in Europe and other interesting markets.